Does Acupuncture Hurt? Several Frequently Asked Questions are Addressed

Does Acupuncture Hurt 

Does acupuncture hurt?

Needle insertion is usually painless. The biting sensation is short and comparable to that of a mosquito. The needles are as tiny as hair and leave no trace of their presence. When the needles are inserted, the patient may feel an increase in energy flow, which leads to relaxation.

When a puncture point becomes painful, Sylvie Wyler instantly removes the needle.

How far down do the needles go?

The needles are put between a few millimeters and one or two centimeters deep. Because the needles are inserted into the intermuscular space or straight into the muscles, rather than the nerves or veins, the depth has no effect on the feeling.

Acupuncture practitioners perfect the depth and angle of needle entry for each puncture point.

How are the needles?

The needles that are used are sterile. Furthermore, with the exception of aesthetic acupuncture, which requires the use of gold needles, they are disposable. Individual needles are used in this situation and are retained in the patient's personal file.

How many sessions are required to achieve the best results?

Depending on the condition, 3 to 4 consecutive sessions at 1-week intervals are required. A change must have occurred after a month. Sylvie Wyler assesses her patient at this point. She decides whether to continue the treatment in agreement with her or him and if so, whether the treatment should be repeated every week or at a longer interval.

In the case of a chronic condition, 5 to 15 follow-up appointments would be required. Following that, depending on the circumstances, 1 session per month may be considered.

How long should sessions be spaced?

Depending on the patient, a monthly or three-month cycle (at each change of season) may be suitable for prevention.

This will depend on the nature of the disease, the patient, and their body's response to the treatment in the case of treatment or acupuncture sessions supporting other therapies (chemotherapy).

What should be taken into account prior to treatment?

The patient should ideally not be fasting.

What should you look out for after the treatment?

Following an acupuncture session, the patient may experience mild weariness or a state of deep relaxation that lasts only a few hours. Hematomas can form in stitched areas, however, they are absolutely painless.

Does acupuncture have any contraindications?

Precautions should be taken before the third month of pregnancy. Acupuncture is not suggested for children under the age of seven, the elderly, and the frail, as well as those suffering from hemophilia or lymphedema. Prior to any treatment, you should consider conducting an interview to learn about the treatments used and the patient's conditions.

Is it possible to combine allopathic medication and acupuncture?

Acupuncture is compatible with, and may even be supplementary to allopathic treatments.

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