Google Ranking Factors Explained - Based on a Ordinary Graph Image

Google Ranking Factors Explained 

How much true that you think the above image explains the Google Ranking Factors? Lets specify a few facts and leave the decision on yourself.

True according to Niche - again false according to Niche. I have some questions about this - then you will understand the real facts!

1. Suppose I have a very good external link, a good anchor but not good content. In this case, the image is false.

2. I have fairly good content, there are links but the exact answer to the query that users will come to search for your content is not exactly the answer. Content has been enlarged by stretching but the user will get the answer in 5 seconds, there is no such thing in the fold. Even then this image is false. Google doesn't judge everything by just links now.

3. The most important thing "CONTENT" is missing in the image.

4. Keyword usage is not important now, Google now understands which articles can be ranked by keywords.

In Google Ranking Factors, content and keyword intention is the most important, if these two are present then keyword audience will grow day by day. Missing both, on the other hand, 16% in the Authority of Domain, I would not rate more than 10 here. Because the audience is now much smarter than before. Well, what do you think of this issue of the authority domain! No doubt important but really so much more!