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Investing in Bitcoin is a good idea

Bitcoin is the world's first decentralized digital currency. Unlike traditional currencies, bitcoin uses blockchain technology to operate. This means that it is completely transparent and secure. Its price is determined only by market demand. Unlike gold, it does not have any physical form or reserve value and cannot be printed. No government agency regulates its supply. Bitcoins are produced at a predictable rate every 10 minutes. They were created by Satoshi Nakamoto and introduced in 2009. Today they are used as a method of exchange both online and offline. The advantage of investing in bitcoins is that you can store wealth outside of state backed banks, or governments that might collapse or change their policies. There are two primary advantages to using bitcoins. First, it works without a central bank or single organization. Second, it is private – transactions are never recorded publicly. All information is provided through encryption keys. As long as someone owns the private...

Elon Musk says he won’t buy Twitter

The billionaire founder of Tesla Motors said in an interview published Wednesday that he would not purchase social media company Twitter because he didn’t think his “crazy idea” of buying it would ever work. But he did say he was looking forward to watching its value skyrocket once it became free from current owner Jack Dorsey’s control. Twitter continues to lose users at a rate faster than any other social network. At the end of 2017, the company had 330 million monthly active users, down from 360 million in September 2016. Musk told The New York Times that he thought Twitter was losing its appeal. He told the paper that he loved Twitter, but it wasn’t clear what kind of service it could provide anymore. He added that he sees more value in owning less companies, saying, “I am not sure if I want to own 100 different things, but I think it makes sense to own a few big ones.” In August 2018, Musk tweeted that he was considering taking the company private through a reverse merger. https:/...

Tourmate on tour is harmful or necessary

Why are you looking for a tour? Basically, if you read a few such posts, you will understand the matter. Tourists are asked for two main reasons. E.g.- Minimize the cost of the tour, and Giving company to each other on tour. Now I mean, are these two really important? If you ask me personally, I will say no. Rather, the opposite is true. There is no gain with exceptional examples. I'm talking about the maximum field. For example, if you consider the first reason that you want to minimize the cost of the tour and that is why you are looking for a tour, then look, it is not right. Tell me, how exactly? Can Tourmate reduce your bus, plane, food, and sightseeing costs? No, you can't. There may be less in just one place - such as a hotel. Double room can be shared by two people. But look at the funny thing- if you have an idea about dormitory, don't worry about it anymore. Dormitory is a room shared with a few people. It is much more convenient than a double room. Double room AC...

Google Ranking Factors Explained - Based on a Ordinary Graph Image

  How much true that you think the above image explains the Google Ranking Factors? Lets specify a few facts and leave the decision on yourself. True according to Niche - again false according to Niche. I have some questions about this - then you will understand the real facts! 1. Suppose I have a very good external link, a good anchor but not good content. In this case, the image is false. 2. I have fairly good content, there are links but the exact answer to the query that users will come to search for your content is not exactly the answer. Content has been enlarged by stretching but the user will get the answer in 5 seconds, there is no such thing in the fold. Even then this image is false. Google doesn't judge everything by just links now. 3. The most important thing "CONTENT" is missing in the image. 4. Keyword usage is not important now, Google now understands which articles can be ranked by keywords. In Google Ranking Factors, content and keyword intention is the ...